(A)live from Bogotá

Monday, April 17, 2006

I Have Created A Blog!

I´ve done a lot of things in my life, but I always thought a blog was below me. I was wrong.

Anyway, I am here, in Bogotá, alive and happy. I hope this blog will serve two functions: it will be the button I press peridocally to let people (mike) know that I´m not dead. It is also less typing than individual e-mails, and it won´t fill your inbox.

So if anyone is still reading this, Bogotá is beautiful, rainy, stable, happy, and sort of cold at night. I think my first surprise was what a non-fucked-up place Bogotá is. large parts of Bogotá are wealther than large parts of, say, Chicago. There is something between seven and twelve million people here, and most of them live a lot more like americans than I would have thought. The north side of the city, where I am currently staying, is almost boring in it´s stability.


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