(A)live from Bogotá

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I Like This Poem

Mi vida entera
Jorge Luis Borges

Aqui otra vez, los labios memorables, único y semejante a vosotros.
Soy esa torpe intensidad que es un alma.
He persistido en la aproximación de la dicha y en la privanza del pesar.
He atravesado el mar.
He conocido muchas tierras; he visto una mujer y dos o tres hombres.
He querido a una nina altiva y blanca y de una hispánica quietud.
He visto un arrabal infinito donde se cumple una insaciada inmortalidad de ponientes.
He paladeado numerosas palabras.
Creo profundamente que eso es todo y que ni veré ni ejecutaré cosas nuevas.
Creo que mis jornadas y mis noches se igualan en pobreza y en riqueza a las de Dios y a las de todos los hombres.

Here once again the memorable lips, unique and like yours.
I kept getting close to happiness and have stood in the shadow of suffering.
I have crossed the sea.
I have known many lands; I have seen one woman and two or three men.
I have loved a girl who was fair and proud, with a Spanish quietness.
I have seen the city's edge, an endless sprawl where the sun goes downtirelessly, over and over.
I have relished many words.
I believe deeply that this is all and that I will neither see nor accomplishnew things.
I believe that my days and my nights in their poverty and their riches arethe equal of God's and of all men's.


  • pretty poem

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:04 PM  

  • you finally jumped on the blogging bandwagon! :)

    jennie :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:32 PM  

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